Wow - we’ve come to the close of another year at Priority Learning and Development and what a year 2021 turned out to be! There were a lot of challenges and lots of re-aligning, but in spite of it all there was so many opportunities for us to learn and grow!
At this time of year, after we thank all of you for visiting and working with us, we then move to closing out our year. This includes putting away our 2021 files.
Do you remember the days when we had paper files, folders, in cabinets and file rooms?
At the end of the year, all paper files were to be removed from the cabinets and placed in large, sturdy boxes for storage and future reference. It made space in the cabinets for the new files anticipated to come in the coming year.
It is no different with your technology.
That's why we want to share our favourite way to get our Inboxes ready for 2022.
Create a 2021 folder in your Outlook folders and move all your Folders, all Emails into that one Folder. Put away what you don’t need immediately for storage and future reference. It will minimize the searching in a lengthy, never-ending Folder list in your Outlook. If some folders represent work continuing into 2022, then make a new folder in the Folder panel, just as you normally would. Include your most common folders and start fresh.
Organizing your online workspace in this manner frees up space and memory for the upcoming year.
Just like your Inbox, we are wishing you a fresh start!. Though our minds and our schedules may get full and cluttered in the days to come, taking a moment to get rid of the "old stuff," clears the way for a new perspective and better productivity in 2022.
Happy Holidays!
From Your Priority and Development Family.
Tonya Lundrigan
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